Yes, I am delighted to be of assistance! The Maypole Fund have chosen the following CRITERIA to help them prioritise and decide between applications – you should clearly explain how and why a particular criteria is relevant to your application: Young women’s groups/individuals and lesbian groups/individuals; Activities or projects not yet started; Women who do… [Read More]
How to research ideas before writing the Concept Note?
Before developing your program idea into a concept note, it is worthwhile to invest time and energy into conducting proper research. Research plays a vital role in enriching your concept note and brings depth to your writing too. Typically, you might need to put in some research on the following aspects: Context setting and needs… [Read More]
How UN Trust Fund is helping Women & Girls to prevent violence against COVID -19?
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is seeking applications from civil society organizations (CSOs) working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and recovery to address and respond to the growing reports of the rise of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the context of the current… [Read More]
This is from a charity org. For ostomates. Can you suggest me a funding opportunities for helping people with ostomates
You should start your search from finding donor agencies working on addressing cancer-related or health-related issues. Because of the specificity of the ostomates, you will not find international funders exclusively providing funds to address this cause. However, there are several cancer-fighting foundations providing resources. We compile any upcoming grants related to cancer at You can… [Read More]
In your previous article, I learned how to train our staff if we cannot afford a consultant. If I can afford a consultant, do you think hiring one of them would be beneficial?
Yes, hiring a good consultant can be extremely valuable for your organisation. They offer excellent services and can create additional capacity in your non-profit that can enable you to do more and provide a highly experienced and knowledgeable resource for your business. Consultants, whether in the form of individuals or agencies, can add temporary skills,… [Read More]
I have a small NGO and since I am managing other things, I cannot fully concentrate on fundraising. Hiring a consultant can be expensive. Please help!
We understand that fundraising is not a “one-way road“. Raising much-needed funds entails a lot of research work and consistent efforts. And sometimes, hiring a consultant to streamline your fundraising might be expensive for small and grassroots NGOs. Well, don’t you worry, there is a better option! You can start training your staff members. Look… [Read More]
What is Durham county non-profit Agency Funding program?
Durham County is accepting applications for its new COVID-focused nonprofit funding program. Funding Information This year, the County will fund up to 12 nonprofit organizations. Grants will range from $25,000-$75,000. Grant length is 18 months. Eligibility Criteria Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status are eligible to apply. Community-based groups with a fiscal sponsor that has a 501(c)(3)… [Read More]
What are the benefits and limitations in using the Results-based Management approach?
The Result-based Management approach is a participatory approach which seeks to align the efforts of an organization, a project or a program with the expected results, by involving and empowering all stakeholders, by optimizing the use of resources human and financial and by promoting learning. It has benefits and limitations. Benefits: The participation of stakeholders… [Read More]
Can I receive an alert if new funding opportunities are available?
In order to find the latest funding announcements, we request you to please keep visiting our free website at or please subscribe to our free daily newsletter to receive free funding alerts at your email address The information we share through our free newsletter to our free subscribers is mostly limited. To get… [Read More]
What is Donor Relation Management?
Donor relationship management (DRM) is the process in which an organization strengthens the relationship with donors to enhance donor engagement and donor retention. Most often NGOs hire fundraising officers or consultants to take care of resource mobilization, but neglect the area of donor retention or relation building. You don’t have to hire any expert to… [Read More]
Are there any Small Grants available from International Funding Agencies?
Yes, presently, various prestigious international funding agencies have come up with their small grant programme, many with ongoing deadlines. NGOs, especially the grass-roots one, shouldn’t stress on funding at all. Why not start on small grants? We have recently compiled all significant opportunities offering small grants for NGOs. Well, we understand that for most of… [Read More]
What is Ubuntu United Nations offering?
Your question could also be of assistance to others because it is a grand opportunity for youth leaders around the globe! The Ubuntu United Nations (UUN) is offering Building Bridges: Igniting Youth Action for Unity in Diversity to promote ethics of care, building of bridges and servant leadership, underpinned by the Ubuntu philosophy and it… [Read More]
I am tired of following deadlines for different grant opportunities. Whenever I decide to apply, it is the single big factor that influence the whole process. Are there any donors that do not adhere to strict deadlines or accept proposals round the year?
It is quite right that most grants have fixed deadlines and donor agencies seek proposals within the given timeframe. But not every donor organization wants to control this. Some donors do not fix deadlines and accept proposals round the year, and therefore, Evergreen grants are flexible, and you can fix your deadline to submit your… [Read More]
‘Eco-Hero Awards’, what is it all about?
The Action For Nature (AFN), a non-profit organization has launched the International Young Eco-Hero Awards to recognize and reward the successful individual environmental initiatives of young people ages 8 to 16. AFN encourages young people around the world to carry out individual environmental action projects. They believe that young people can have a positive impact… [Read More]
I am a social worker in Africa and planning to start an NGO. What things should I consider before establishing an NGO?
Anyone can start an NGO, but you’ll need more than just a great idea to make it work. It will not be easy, establishing an NGO wherever you are in the world can be an exhausting and challenging process, especially at the beginning. People of all ages and backgrounds in every country in the world… [Read More]
Has UN Women lately announced any grant?
Yes! UN Women Kyrgyzstan is announcing a call for proposal for a Responsible Partner (RP) to fulfil the complex set of tasks with the view of promoting favourable social norms, attitudes and behaviours at the institutional, community, and individual level to prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG) and harmful practices (HP) applying innovative Gender… [Read More]
Is there any grant available that educate people regarding gender-based violence in the workplace?
Yes! The Advancing Learning and Innovation on Gender Norms (ALIGN) project is inviting proposals for its second funding round. The new micro-grant scheme aims to support knowledge generation, synthesis and brokering to understand effective action on the gender norms that underpin gender-based violence in the workplace. Workplaces include any place where people are engaged in… [Read More]
How NGOs can form a strategic plan?
Here is how to form a strategic plan for your NGO: Decide who will facilitate the discussions and who will participate. Ensure all key stakeholders participate in the process, as that is the best way possible to devise a strategic plan. The analysis must begin with an attempt towards understanding the internal environment, which means… [Read More]
Why Do Donors Hate Me?
Many small, grassroots, and start-up NGOs eagerly look for their first grant to grow their program. But after sending out dozens of request for funding by post and email to scores of donors they either never hear back or are rejected. Here are some of the main reasons you get ignored or rejected: Donors get… [Read More]
I am looking forward to a grant that Support entrepreneurs in India?
Hi! NMDC Innovation & Incubation Centre (NICE) has announced a call for proposals for the NICE Fellowship Program to support entrepreneurs in converting their raw ideas into a fully-functional product. The fellowship program offers the opportunity to entrepreneurs who are passionate about working on the deep tech startup idea. The program is designed to provide… [Read More]
Are there any CSR Donors for NGOs in India?
Yes, there are hundreds of CSR Donors serving as a significant funding source for India. With the boom in CSR funding, several top-notch corporates are supporting NGOs through their CSR funding and thus marking their contribution to the development of the society. Today, corporates are driven by a strong consciousness about their social impact and… [Read More]
How can NGOs participate in Crowdfunding?
Here is a short and simple guide about the process and steps to plan one: Planning the campaign: Every successful activity has undergone meticulous planning first. So plan your campaign well in advance to make it successful. Plan the campaign timing, duration, and other details. Plan for human resource, which would mean both picking a team… [Read More]
What are the objectives of Gender Mainstreaming?
According to the Council of Europe, Gender mainstreaming is the (re) organization, improvement, development and evaluation of decision-making processes, with the aim of incorporating the perspective of equality between women and men in all fields and at all levels, by the actors generally involved in the implementation of policies. Socio-economic disparities between men and women… [Read More]
Why should I apply for 2021-22 Goonj Fellowship?
Hi Friend! Well, Goonj Fellowship is an opportunity that works on the personal and professional development of Indian youth, thus, advancing there skills, mindset and determination to work on issues bothering us today. Fellows will be given a stipend of Rs.10000/- per month. Also, they will be working in various areas by engaging with the… [Read More]
Hello! I am Amada from Cuba and am interested to know about the UNESCO-EU Transcultura Programme. Could you please assist?
Hi, Amada. I am here to help you! Transcultura is a four-year Programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Transcultura Programme: Integrating Cuba, the Caribbean and the European Union through Culture and Creativity has launched the First Call for Applications… [Read More]
Hi, could you update me regarding the 2021 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity?
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is seeking nominations for the 2021 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity to recognize people, groups of people and/or organizations from all over the world whose contributions to mitigation and adaptation to climate change stand out for its novelty, innovation and impact. This initiative strives to draw attention to and leverage large-scale climate… [Read More]
What level of impact is created on Jobs due to COVID -19 Pandemic in Western Balkans?
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the Western Balkans region into a deep recession, with drops in both domestic and foreign demand, coupled with disruptions in supply chains, forcing all six countries in the region into negative growth territory for 2020. According to the World Bank’s latest Regular Economic Report (RER), economic growth is forecast to… [Read More]
What is Core Funding and How to Get it?
Core funding is usually defined as financial support that covers basic “core” organizational and administrative costs of an NGO, including salaries of non-project staff, rent, equipment, utilities, and communications. Core funding is sometimes called indirect funding, cost recovery, administrative cost, overhead, or unrestricted funding. Core funding should be understood as covering expenses that are required… [Read More]
Why Organizational Chart is important for an NGO?
Organizational charts give a pictorial representation of the functioning styles of your NGO. It provides a graphic view of the hierarchical system and the levels of responsibility in an organization. It is relevant to present an organizational chart because it gives a quick, bird’s-eye view of the management structure of an NGO. Organizational charts are… [Read More]
We use volunteers for some of our projects, do they need contracts of any sort?
It is always a good idea to provide volunteer ‘agreements’ with individuals who are working with you on an unpaid basis. This helps to clarify expectations of the volunteer role and required tasks from the NGO point of view, the reporting lines, the expected hours of work, and confirmation that the role is unpaid or… [Read More]
What is the Logic Model used in the Results-based Management approach?
Sometimes referred to as the results chain, the Logic Model is a representation of the cause and effect relationships between the activities, outputs, and results of a policy or program. A Logic Model has six levels (inputs, activities, outputs, results, immediate, intermediate results and ultimate results), each representing a distinct step in the logic of… [Read More]
Is it necessary to always produce an annual financial report?
As part of transparency to donors, you should always produce annual accounts which ideally, should be independently audited. These should be visible on the NGO website for any donor to see. The narrative version in the form of an Annual Review does not have to be written every year, but it is good practice to… [Read More]
What’s the nomination process for Democracy Award 2020 (Kosovo)?
To complete the nomination process, please make sure that you have completed and submitted the following documents: Completed Nomination Form; Accompanying documents (written articles and references for the nominee, etc.); For non-governmental organizations, a copy of the registration certificate; For unregistered initiatives a proof on the operation of the initiative. For other entities, a copy… [Read More]
Hi, applications are open for ‘Racial Equity 2030’, may I know what this program is all about?
Racial Equity 2030 is a global challenge in honour of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s 90th anniversary. It is a call for bold solutions to drive an equitable future for children, their families and communities. This $90 million challenge seeks ideas from anywhere in the world and will scale them over the next decade to transform… [Read More]
Africa needs a more concerted effort to empower women. Can you guide me with any grant opportunity that supports African women’s rights?
Yes, there is a grant opportunity from Urgent Action Fund-Africa that is expanding its support to feminist and women’s rights, environmental and climate justice defenders, organizations and movements working towards the advancement of natural resources governance and climate justice work. Well, Urgent Action Fund-Africa is investing in women’s power to change the status quo! They… [Read More]
How can we address disinformation in Cambodia?
Hello Friend! We are very much aware that in this unprecedented time of health crises, Cambodia is dealing with Fake News and Disinformation. Well, according to the UNESCO, through collaboration and trust-building among all parties and stakeholders, keeping freedom of expression and human rights on high-priority, it is possible to minimize the impact of disinformation…. [Read More]
How to Create a Communications Plan for Your NGO?
What Is a Communications Plan? A communications plan is a document that guides the external communications efforts of an organization. It helps an NGO strategically focus its communication and outreach efforts around a certain set of goals – usually the mission and objectives of an organization. A communications plan is necessary to help an NGO… [Read More]
Is there a grant available that focuses on youth, and sustainable development goals?
Yes! The Council of Europe and the League of Arab States invite you to apply as participants for the online learning course “Human Rights Education and Youth Participation for Euro-Arab Dialogue”. The activity also contributes to the fourth phase (2020-2024) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, focused on youth, and supports action for… [Read More]
What is a Gantt. Chart and how to develop a Gantt. Chart in a project proposal?
A Gantt. Chart is a project management tool, named after its inventor, Henry Gantt, who designed such a chart around the years 1910–1915. It is presented as a horizontal bar chart with tasks over time. It is a useful tool and assists in the planning of projects of all sizes and helps to present complex… [Read More]
Has EU collaborated with Tony Elumelu Foundation to close the gender gap and support African Women Entrepreneurship?
Yes, you have heard it right my friend! European Union and the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) have joined hands to support the economic empowerment of women across Africa and has made a contribution of €20 million. The program will enhance mentorship skills and capacity gaps, financial constraints and networks. This joint effort also help women… [Read More]
How does USAID support NGOs?
USAID has field offices in many developing countries for providing technical and financial aid for above stated purposes. So, it follows a decentralized approach for tackling the development issues globally. Partnering with NGOs: USAID partners with NGOs to achieve its strategic goals and objectives for providing assistance across the world. It partners with international and… [Read More]
I have heard of “Reporting Climate Change” Training Programme. Could you please provide me the details?
Yes, we will surely share every detail related to the opportunity. ‘Reporting Climate Change‘ is an e-learning course developed by European Investment Bank (EIB) in collaboration with COPEAM for journalists to improve the reporting skills in the field of climate change. The training program comprises of video-lessons, exercises and supporting training material. It will be… [Read More]
My friend suggested me to use volunteers for fundraising. Do you really think it will work?
Yes, it will definitely work for you. Volunteers are passionate people who are contributing their time towards a cause. This makes them special. They like to associate with your organization because of their passion; now it is up to you how you channel and tap their energies. They can bring creative and innovative ideas to… [Read More]
Hi, I am from Sri Lanka and I want to know about a funding scheme that strengthens health systems in low- and middle-income countries.
Hey, you can apply for The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s Health Systems Research Initiative (HSRI) Call 8 Research Grant – outline stage. The purpose of this scheme is to provide funding for the best proposals to generate new knowledge to strengthen and improve health systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The Foreign, Commonwealth… [Read More]
What is a Corpus Fund and why it is important for an NGO to maintain Corpus Fund?
Corpus Fund is a fund that an NGO can use when its survival is at threat or during a phase/period where project funds are very limited. It can simply be also called as “Emergency Fund”, as it is also used to help sustain the difficult times of an NGO. Given its nature, this is also called… [Read More]
Women and girls are disproportionately affected by poor sanitation and hygiene. Is anything being done towards this problem?
Yes, Indeed, to support Innovative Sanitation Solutions, new Sanitation and Hygiene Fund has been launched that will provide catalytic funding to countries with the most massive burden and least ability to respond. It focuses on four strategic objectives: expanding household sanitation; ensuring menstrual health and hygiene; providing sanitation and hygiene in schools and health care facilities; and… [Read More]
How can I create my Proposal? Can you provide me with any template?
Yes, we will provide you with a master proposal template that can be used for developing proposals which can convince donors to fund their respective projects. Writing funding proposals is one of the most crucial aspects as it provides a detailed description of the problem, the intended plan of actions towards tackling the problem and… [Read More]
How Marketing and Communication Strategies can help NGOs achieve Fundraising Success?
Marketing mix is used as a tool by the managers to design marketing plans and to achieve desired results. It comprises of 4 Ps: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. Drawing a parallel with NGOs: The Product for an NGO is the cause or idea it supports or a core programme or project. Price is the… [Read More]
Does anyone know if there is any financial relief/support for NGOs to help in Youth empowerment, child Health, Public Health, Support to Media, Gender Equality and quality Education , Economic prosperity amongst rural communities in South Western Uganda???
Hello Tahoreraho Moses Henry, Thank you for contacting us! Indeed, we cover funding opportunities in all the categories mentioned above, but, we would like to apologize because as of now, we do not have any opportunity specifically for South Western Uganda. But don’t you worry, in our platform, we have funding opportunities that cover Uganda… [Read More]
Could you tell me about a Grant that funds Education Research Projects?
Yes, The Spencer Foundation has launched the Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships. This grant program is open to partnerships between researchers and a broad array of practitioners. They define practitioners as school districts, county offices of education, state educational organizations, universities, community-based organizations,… [Read More]