If you are into fundraising, here is a check-list of what can make you a successful fundraiser:
Passion, confidence and creativity:
You believe in the cause you are supporting, or are raising funds for. So, you ‘ask’ confidently as you believe how your donor’s money can transform lives. You are creative and constantly willing to learn about new ways of connecting with people, asking what you need and why.
Story-telling craft:
You know that people love hearing beautiful stories of transformation in the lives of people, rather than just the problems they face. While it is important to explain the cause, it is actually the hope of ‘bringing about the change’ that makes a donor tick.
You know what to ask for and for what:
You understand the cause and the work of your organization completely. You are aware of what resources are required, and for what purposes. If it is not just money and you need other resources as well, like expertise, you are well-aware of the plans and strategies. You can answer the donor’s queries about how you are going to make use of the resources you ask for.
Humility and honesty:
You are humble while sharing the work and successes of your organization, and also acknowledge the efforts of the entire team that is making it possible. Honesty is one quality you vouch for and are not afraid to say ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I will get back to you about this’ in case of any doubts. You know it is better, to be honest rather than misrepresenting facts or providing wrong information. Read More