Hi there, why not take a look at our article “How to Write Proposals on Projects addressing Climate Change” for some great ideas. In this article, we are presenting some useful information on how to write an effective project proposal on climate change.
Projects on climate change are the next big thing for NGOs (just as it used to be with HIV and AIDS projects some years ago) as donors continue to look at NGOs as the strongest mediums to reach out to communities in poor and developing countries (of course, in a pyramid-like top-down fashion). Climate change is a critical issue (as we have all been experiencing it in our homes), as such, all organizations should start considering it an issue of grave importance and work in its direction either in a full-fledged manner or as a cross-cutting theme in their other projects.
Besides, in recent times, we have observed a high number of calls for proposals advertised by NGOs concentrating mostly on addressing climate change and global warming issues and we cannot deny the fact that it is the poor (with whom we work) who bear the greatest brunt of these problems.
Here are some points that you should know before writing a proposal:
- Project Rationale or Background
- Cause and Effect Relationship
- Project Goal and Objectives
- Strategies and Actions
- Gender and Climate Change
Check out our article for all the details: https://www.fundsforngos.org/free-resources-for-ngos/how-to-write-proposals-on-projects-addressing-climate-change/
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The fundsforNGOs Premium Members get exclusive access to downloadable ebooks and training videos that provide information and knowledge on how to write proposals and successfully win grants from donor agencies. Plus, they can also view and download sample proposals written by successful grantees from around the world. Learn more.