Yes, I just came across something, that matches your interest. AB InBev and One Young World have jointly launched the first Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 5, to continue to support and promote women in business because that women’s economic empowerment is crucial to realizing women’s rights, gender equality, and drives sustainability.
In this challenging year, the power of women in leadership was brought into high relief. Female leaders across the world steered their countries with resolve and compassion through the pandemic crisis and many of the most successful responses emerged from women-led countries: Taiwan, Germany, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. But even with growing representation in leadership in some countries, women all over the world are still subject to discriminatory laws, unequal pay, and lack of access to healthcare, education, and business opportunities.
100+/AB InBev are proud to support the Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 5. The Challenge aims to find and support solutions that will empower women and close the equality gap ensuring a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Read More
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