Well, storytelling is an integral part of your NGO’s communications efforts. It is an essential tool that takes donors through different emotional stages. It strikes a chord and helps differentiate your NGO’s work from that of others.
Studies have found that donors are more likely to fund projects that tell stories. Storytelling makes funders empathetic towards both the giver (an NGO) and the recipient (the people impacted by an NGO).
Here are three more reasons your NGO should tell stories:
- Storytelling makes donors more generous.
- Give donors a behind the scene look.
- It gives your data a second life.
By the end of this guide, you will be able to explain to your team why storytelling should become an essential part of your NGO’s communications efforts. You will also know how to start creating stories: from the elements that make a good narrative, to the medium in which to tell that story, to how you can use those finished pieces.
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