Here are the five key steps of planning an Individual Fundraising strategy for your organization:
- Goal – Defining a goal- how much do you want to raise, what will you do with the funds raised, what are the funds needed for, or what impact they will bring about?
- Target audience – Who are you going to reach out to seek funds? Will you follow a targeted approach or a more general appeal? Who will give and why will they give?
- The case for support/ Cause – What cause or campaign are you seeking funds for? What is the case for support?
- Clear ask and communication – Plan your communication material, mode, frequency, and platforms. Make sure you have these things planned for the entire course of the timeline you have in mind- campaign timeline-based or annual.
- Payment options and platforms – Very important- identify the payment modes and platforms you would implement. Many times the ask is clear and simple, the donor is supportive and convinced to give but cannot give because of lack of the required payment options. Sometimes the donors are put off by a lack of ease of payment. Therefore, it is important to identify the platforms, develop a clear, simple, and streamlined process set up for giving- essentially to make the giving process smooth and painless for the donors.