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Is there a grant available to address child mortality in Uganda?

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has received a contribution of US$600,000 from the Government of Japan to uplift nutrition and prevent deaths of young children in Karamoja region, where households in two out of nine districts have malnutrition above emergency levels.

Karamoja already has high rates of stunting, where children are short for their age, low on immunity and often mentally impaired. Over 35 percent of children aged under five in the region are stunted. High rates of life-threatening and acute malnutrition combined with stunting put the futures of children at stake.

WFP Country Director, El-Khidir Daloum said, “This is a very timely and important contribution. Japan has proved its commitment to supporting Uganda by addressing hunger at critical times through WFP and has played its part in both saving and improving people’s lives.”

Mr. Daloum added, “Japan in the last five years has made generous annual contributions, giving a total of US$15.5 million including the latest support towards WFP’s work in Uganda.”

Ambassador of Japan, Kazuaki Kameda said, “On June 23, the Government of Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of US$600,000 to Uganda through WFP in response to the likely damage to crops due to desert locusts, and also to cater for often high rates of malnutrition in Karamoja.”

Mr. Kameda elaborated,“We very much hope the grant will improve the nutritional condition of children aged between 6-59 months and pregnant and nursing women in a region whose food security is also threatened by locusts and other pests, floods and human and animal diseases.”

Combined with other contributions, Japan’s funding will provide 244 metric tons of enriched foods to 26,000 children aged under five, pregnant women and new mothers in the worst-hit Moroto and Napak Districts for at least three months to stop overall malnutrition levels increasing.

An Integrated Food Security Phase Classification assessment found that between February and August, rates of life-threatening malnutrition were above Emergency levels in Moroto and Napak. The rest of the region’s districts were in Alert, meaning they also have relatively high levels of malnutrition.

Pregnant and nursing women need more nutrients including minerals and vitamins than other women because of changes in their bodies. Malnourished children also have a greater need for nutrients and are more likely to fall sick because of reduced immunity and are at higher risk of death.

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