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In what ways USAID is contributing towards bridging the Gender Digital Divide?

USAID is committed to empowering women and girls across the globe and is striving to eliminate gender divide to increase the capability of women and girls so that they can equally benefit from their societies.

With its latest “Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative WomenConnect Challenge (W-GDP WCC)“, USAID aims to improve women’s participation in everyday life by meaningfully changing the ways women access and use technology.

The W-GDP WomenConnect Challenge (WCC) seeks to bridge the gender digital divide so that women can fully participate in the global economy. It is a global call for proposals and will focus on scale, replicability, and private sector partnership and investment. 

Round 3 builds on the effective practices such as: addressing social norms, creating new ways for women to engage with technology, and leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence to address barriers to access and use.

Funding Information

W-GDP WCC is aiming to apply Proven Strategies for sustainable impact, focusing on these four requirements:

  1. Building upon Proven Strategies;
  2. Private Sector Participation;
  3. Reach at least 1 million women, 18 and above;
  4. Pathway to Sustainability.

*Interested applicants can apply online till “November 06, 2020”, via given website.

To know more about W-GDP WomenConnect Challenge (WCC), visit here.

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