The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is seeking applications from civil society organizations (CSOs) working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and recovery to address and respond to the growing reports of the rise of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the context of the current pandemic.
The UN Trust Fund will prioritize applications from women’s rights, women led, and small women’s organizations, in recognition of them being the driving force of the ending violence against women and girls agenda, as well as being at the forefront of reaching at-risk women and girls and survivors at the grassroots level.
The funding will focus on responses to and prevention of violence against women taking into account the intersectional marginalization of women in context of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly acknowledging the increased risk of violence for some groups including indigenous women, women with disabilities, older women, domestic workers and women without access to technology.
There are certain Priority Measures which are followed to avoid Violence:
- Adaption of EVAW service provision to meet increasing or varying types of demands and new forms of violence.
- Expansion of capacities of shelters and hotlines and amplifying of communications on the availability of GBV hotlines and other support mechanisms; exploring how technology can support those in lockdown situations to access services, being mindful of accessibility, confidentiality and privacy matters arising with such technology.
- Providing/ensuring availability and accessibility of legal aid, judicial protection and other essential police and justice services for women subject to violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, including through electronic or other remote means, and potentially associated training for handling GBV cases virtually, for lawyers, prosecutors and judges.
- Adaptation of VAW prevention programming or development of new or enhanced programming to integrate COVID-19 risk mitigation measures.
- Development of VAW prevention programmes to scale-up, adapt and replicate tested methods – that ensure survivor support as a central component and that are adapted to the COVID-19 context.
- Adapting programmes or designing new interventions to reach those most left behind in the pandemic and to mitigate the risk of both COVID-19 and VAW/G for marginalised groups including women and girls with disabilities and self-identified sex workers.
- Development of programmes that increase access to digital tools and spaces for violence prevention and response.
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