The UNDP Social Cohesion Programme work in four main areas that include:
- Strengthening the national frameworks for peace and social cohesion.
- Strengthening inter-linking community infrastructures for social cohesion at multi-levels.
- Supporting and strengthening capacities and resources of academia and research institutions and actors to lead social cohesion.
- Working with media institutions and media professionals to improved advocacy and public awareness.
What is Social Cohesion Programme?
UNDP is calling proposals to empower Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to Promote Social Cohesion in Kirkuk, Diyala, Anbar, Salaheldin, and Niewna-Phase II.
The project aims to provide capacity building to CBOs and provide them with grants to implement community initiatives prioritized by their community to ensure a bottom-up approach that is effective and accepted at the community level. The community initiatives will address community challenges 2 such as the reintegration of IDPs, local conflicts, livelihood, GBV, community dialogue to promote social cohesion and build the sense of community and togetherness among different communities groups.
The deadline to submit applications for this program is 21-Mar-21.
For more information, visit here