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What is Pandemic Lab Safety Challenge? 

The Pandemic Lab Safety Challenge is designed to solicit videos that share solutions for lab safety in a time of COVID-19 that can be adopted by scientists in labs with limited resources, no matter where they might be.

The Pandemic Lab Safety Challenge is your chance to share the tips and tricks you’ve developed for maintaining a safe lab environment. They are especially interested in ideas that can be adopted by scientists in labs with limited resources.

With research and teaching labs in various stages of reopening around the world, Seeding Labs and SANBio, the Southern Africa Network for Biosciences, are issuing a challenge.

To all the innovators and problem-solvers devising new ways to keep their labs safe and sterile during the COVID-19 pandemic: show them how you do it!

The deadline to submit applications for this program is 30-Jun-21.

For more information, visit here

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