If you are really passionate about youth mental health and want to create change in the mental health landscape of your country, then you should apply for Orygen Global’s Youth Mental Health Advocacy Fellowship.
The Fellowship is a six-month virtual program for 10 young people from across the globe.
The fellowship has been established to build the capacity, skills, and voices of young people to create positive change in mental health awareness, policy, and systems reform.
The fellowship will consist of five modes of learning:
- Education and training modules: The education modules are a core part of the fellowship and will be the platform to develop knowledge and insights for mental health advocacy. Fellows will learn the nuances of developing a proposal for change, sharing lived experience of mental ill-health, and creating sustainable change. Each of the five education modules will be composed of lectures, panel discussions, and/or practical workshops. These may be live or pre-recorded lectures. Each module aims to build on each other and will include a strong emphasis on fellow interaction. Education modules will cover the following topics:
- Month 1: Defining mental ill-health, advocacy, and personal development;
- Month 2: Safety in advocacy and sharing personal mental health story;
- Month 3: Preparing for advocacy and developing a proposal for change;
- Month 4-5: Doing advocacy; and
- Month 6: After advocacy, creating sustainable change.
- Mentoring: Mentoring will be used as space for fellows to develop skills and expertise tailored to each fellow’s learning needs. These skills and expertise will help to equip the fellow with the resources and networks to enact their proposal for change. Mentoring will involve the fellow and mentor meeting monthly and is designed to be dynamic, personal, and informal.
- Peer support: Peer-to-peer support is an invaluable opportunity for the fellows to provide each other with strategic and emotional support. Fellows from diverse backgrounds and geographical areas will be paired together and will meet monthly.
- Contact with leaders in global youth mental health: Beyond the impact of implementing their own proposal for change, fellows will be able to network with leaders in youth mental health from all around the world.
- Contribution: One component of the fellowship will be experiential learning, which allows fellows to engage with the established work of Orygen.
The deadline to submit applications for this program is 28-Mar-21.
For more information, visit here