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Has UNDP launched Request for Proposal for Artificial Intelligence and Potential Impacts on Human Rights in India?

Yes! UNDP is requesting for proposals for Artificial Intelligence and Potential Impacts on Human Rights in India.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the Business and Human Rights in Asia project aims to enable Sustainable Economic Development in the region, through the Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework of the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business & Human Rights (BHR).

The project promotes the agenda on BHR by working with Asian governments, businesses and civil society in the implementation of the UNGPs at the national level.

The field of Artificial Intelligence has witnessed rapid evolution over the last few decades. Its potential for deployment for human welfare and economic growth has been widely recognized and capitalized by both governments and businesses globally and in India, across sectors including health, retail, financial services etc.

AI technologies have also been widely and rapidly deployed during the ongoing pandemic to scale health response worldwide, with concerns regarding its efficacy and potential negative impact remaining unaddressed and unexplored.


The deadline for submitting the proposals is 19-Aug-21

To know more, please visit here.

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