Yes, The Facility « Investing for Employment » launches its first call for proposals in Ghana to support the creation of employment opportunities in Africa. It offers co-financing grants for new investment projects with a high job creation impact.
The Facility « Investing for Employment » is an investment mechanism for employment, providing competitive grants to co-finance public or private projects in its eight partner countries in Africa, including Ghana.
The selection of projects is based on a competitive application process, looking for an optimal allocation of available funding to projects with the highest plausibility of success and expected return in terms of the number and quality of new jobs created.
IFE is part of the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Operating under the brand Invest for Jobs, the Special Initiative aims to create good jobs and apprenticeships and to improve working conditions in its partner countries in Africa.
The Facility’s ambition is to promote the labour market in Ghana by providing financial and technical support to project leaders in order to boost the economy, generate long-term jobs and encourage continuous training.
The deadline to submit applications for this program is 30-Apr-21.
For more information, visit here